1 fixed fish from one to two kilograms
2 minced chicken 100 grams
3 mushrooms four to six pieces
4 salt to taste
5 crushed garlic one tablespoon
6 ginger crushed one teaspoon
7 onions one medium
8 mushroom sauce one teaspoon
9 oyster sauce one teaspoon
10 Chopped Red Chilli 1 teaspoon
11 Black Pepper Crushed 1/2 teaspoon
12 Lemon 2 Tablespoons
13 Cooking Oil as required
Step by Step Instructions
1 Wash the fish cleanly and put it in the freezer for ten to fifteen minutes, then cut it with a sharp knife on both sides in such a way that the fork in the middle separates.
2 Salt, red pepper, garlic, two tablespoons of cooking oil. Mix the lemon juice and mix it well on the top of the fish and keep it in the fridge.
3 Fry the finely chopped onion in a tablespoon of cooking oil until soft. Then add the ginger, Add salt, black pepper, minced meat and chopped mushrooms and fry for three to four minutes.
4 Finally, add oyster sauce and mushroom sauce and remove from the stove.
5 Cool the chicken mixture on one side of the fish and keep it. Close with the other side.
6 Place the grill pan on the stove and heat it for eight to ten minutes, then add one to two tablespoons of cooking oil and carefully grill the fish on both sides.
7 Slice this nutritious and delicious fish with salad. Get started.