1.Chicken pieces Four numbers
2.Garlic is crushed. A tablespoon
3.salt As required
4.Onion A number
5.tomato... Three to four numbers
6.Yogurt Half a cup
7.Crushed Red Chilli. A teaspoon
8.Cumin... Half a teaspoon
9.Turmeric...... Half a teaspoon
10.Fast pace. one piece
11.Green coriander...... A half knot
12.spices..... a pinch
13.Ginger One inch piece
14.oil Tea spoons
To make this dish, first make the takke.
To make Chicken Takke: Cut one kilogram of chicken into four pieces, add two tablespoons of ginger, crushed garlic, salt to taste, one tablespoon of ground red pepper, two tablespoons of ground hot spices, one A tablespoon of ground white cumin seeds, half a cup of curd, one tablespoon of lemon juiceAdd a pinch of yolk color and four tablespoons of oil and mix well. Apply this spice on the pieces and keep them in the fridge for two hours. Turn upside down in between) Remove from heat and coolWhen done, separate the bone from these pieces and cut them into small pieces. Add oil to a pan and heat it on medium heat for two to three minutes, add cumin seeds and cumin seeds and fry the onion till it becomes soft. Then add garlic in it and fry it for a minute. When it smells, add salt, red chillies, turmeric and tomatoes and fry it for a long time so that the oil separates. Then mix the chicken pieces with curd and green chilies and fry on high heat and remove from the stove.