I am sharing here the Petition against Leave Encashment Amendment Rules 2023 Punjab. This is the Petition for Writ Under Under Article 199 of the Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan 1973.
Leave Encashment Amendment Rules 2023 Punjab – Writ Petition
The President Muncipal Committee, Punjab Office at Chotta Adda Laryan Office Muncipal Committee Sharqpur Sharif placed a writ petition against the latest amendments made in Leave Encashment Rule.
According to the petition, the petitioner is insisting to Lahore High Court take some steps to disapprove r suspension of the amendments made in the Leave Encashment Rule. All the government employees are not satisfied with the amendments. That’s why they want the Hon’ble Court to make a justice and fair decision about this issue.
Main Points of Petition
Here are some important points of the petition :
The petitioner is working as a sanitary inspector in the department of the municipal committee Sharqpur Sharif district Sheikhupura. He is elected as president of the municipal committee of the province of Punjab. Supreme Council of Baldiati Federation issued a letter regarding his presidentship by a letter reference number SC KB278 dated on 5th April 2021;
Authority to Initiate Legal Proceeding Before Honorable Court
The central president of Shaheen Baldiati Federation issued a letter about his authority to initiate a legal proceeding before the Honorable Code-wide NOC letter reference number.204 Dated on the 24th of April 2022.
Illegal and Unlawful Amendments about LPR
- The respondent no., Secretary Finance has issued a notification number FD.SR.II/2-97/2019 Dated 1st June 2023, by the orders of responded no.1 the Governor of Punjab. Whereby an amendment has been made in the revised leave rule 1981 and has introduced an illegal and unlawful amendment regarding payment of LPR on the basis of the Basic Pay Scale which has been changed toward minimum pay and has resorted to an excess against all the provincial government employees including the Baldia employees.
- The above-mentioned amendment has been introduced by the respondents illegally and unlawfully and it has not been passed by the Grievances of the petitioner was filed before the Chief Secretary respondent no.1.
Request to Early Decision as To The Grievances Of The Petitioner
However, till today no response to the said application has been received. He further submits the failure of respondent no.1 to exercise the jurisdiction vested by law as well as the undue delay in deciding the application amounts to an infringement of the fundamental rights of the petitioner. In addition to that he will be satisfied, if necessary, direction is given to the said respondent for early decision as to the grievances of the petitioner. Learned Law Officer has not opposed this request.
It is therefore respectfully prayed that notification number FD.SR.II/2-97/2019 dated 1st June 2023 issued by respondent no.3 by the order of respondent number one may kindly be ordered to be set aside as illegal and unlawful and amendment introduced by the respondent in the Revised Leave Rules 1981 of the Punjab Civil Servants Act, 1974 regarding decreasing the be declared illegal, unlawful and vole ab into being unconstitutional amendments and against the rights of the Punjab Government Employees in the interest of justice, equity, and Fair play.
Request for Suspension the notifications No.FD.SR.II/2-97/2019
It is further prayed that the operation of the impugned notifications No.FD.SR.II/2-97/2019 dated 01.06.2023 issued by respondent No.3 by the order of respondent No.1 carrying illegal and unlawful amendments may kindly be ordered to be suspended till the final disposal of the petition for the writ by this Hon’ble Court.
Any other relief Which this Hon’bles Court deems fit and proper may also be granted in favor of the petitioner.
Dated:- 16-06-2023